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Who are we?

The Pyrenean Fanciers Association is a social group with a common interest - the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. We aim to inform, educate and support owners of Pyrs in a friendly, informal, responsible, positive and non-competitive way. We are proud to be a New Zealand Pyreanean enthusiasts’ group which openly promotes a Members' and Breeders' Code of Ethics.

The Pyrenean Fanciers Association is run co-operatively by a Steering Group and produces a newsletter "The Pyrenean" which is published three times a year and distributed to financial members. Contributions from members are welcome: news, poems, stories, articles, cartoons, recipes, photographs etc.. Subscriptions are NZ$5.00 in New Zealand (NZ$10.00 Rest of World) per household annually. Membership is open to anyone who owns, or has an interest in the Pyrenean Moutain Dog.



If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send us e-mail